We are only as strong as our volunteers. SE3 has continued to grow thanks to our committed members and on-going initiatives.
2018 NCSEA SE3 Contributors
Angel Eng - WSP / SEAoNY
Angela Fante - Ballinger / SEAoP
Bethanie Rider, PE - SmithGroupJJR / SEAMI
Chris Rhoades, PE, SE - RS&H / SEAoT
Craig Wilkinson - Reaveley Engineers / SEAU
Dani Paxson, SE, LEED AP - KPFF / SEAOC
Darcey Schumacher, PE, LEED BD-C - Wallace / SEAKM
Ed Quesenberry - Equilibrium Engineers LLC / SEAO
Erica Fischer, Ph.D., P.E. - Oregon State University / SEAO, SEAW
Faith Silva - Thornton Tomasetti / SEAOC
Gina Kope - Holmes Structures / SEAOC
Greg Davenport - HKS Inc. / SEAoT
Gwenyth Searer - WJE / SEAOC
Hani Freundenberger - Arup / SEAOC
Jamie (Hong) Chung - BuroHappold /SEAOC
Jennifer Traut-Todaro - AISC / SEAoI
Jessica Chappell - Reaveley Engineers / SEAU
Jessica Simon - JQ / SEAoT
Jera Schlotthauer, PE, SE - Martin/Martin / SEAoW
Jessica Simon - JQ / SEAoT
Ji-Su Lee - Arup / SEAOC
John Elamad - ECM / FSEA
Joy Wei - Tipping Structural Engineers / SEAONC
Laura Lindeman - Coughlin Porter Lundeen / SEAW
Lauren Biscombe - Arup / SEAOC
Lauren Francis - Thornton Tomasetti / SEAoNY
Lindsey Lyrenmann - Meyer Borgman Johnson / MNSEA
Katie Faulkner, P.E. - Wallace Engineering / OKSEA
Katie Wilczek, P.E. - Cyntergy / OSEA
Kerry Regan - Buehler & Buehler / SEAOC
Mach Eltarhoni / OSEA
Marguerite Bello - Bello & Associates / SEAOC
Matthew Arnold, PE - Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates / SEAOI
Megan Stringer - Holmes Structures / SEAOC
Sarah Outzen, PE - Martin/Martin, Inc / SEAOC
Sasan M. Iranpour, Ph.D., P.Eng. / SEAO
Shirish Rajpathak - SRI Consultants / FSEA
Terry Lundeen - Coughlin Porter Lundeen / SEAOC
Marguerite Bello - Bello Associates / SEAOC
Robert Butterfield, P.E. - Lochsa Engineering / SEAI
Rajesh Vuddandam, PhD, ENV SP, LEED - Tarleton State University / SEAoT
Richard Boggs, PE, SECB, LEED AP - Fuss & O'Neill / CT-SEA
Industry Members
Annie Kao - Simpson Strongtie / SEAOC
Jennifer Anna Pazdon, PE - CastConnex /SEAoNY
Academic Members
Affiliate Groups/Societies